Argentina plastic artist born in Spain, studied at the school of "Bellas Artes" de Lans, and advanced courses in high school "Ernesto De La Cárcoba" and the Centro Cultural Rojas. Participated in the workshops of the plastic artist Mirtha Narosky Cristina Coll. His interest in social problems and psicolgicos plastic converge in space - escenogrfico articulated by the complex set of plans. The lights and shadows create a world metaphysics with many more questions than answers. Mirtha Narosky Cree at times to be painting colored geometric figures, and these signs then think the story makes for appointment, says: These are places where they live my feelings. Possibly both spaces are revealed in her response to make a gesture on the canvas. Josefina first sets the background, then suddenly has a ste sector with a figure, the color symbolizes a product of his imagination affective, and with a technique personal vanishes plastic material on its surface. Sometimes you try to combine the two spaces, background and figure, with a new plane vanished and other features some new form of bill ms flat, at first glance, seem to block the road to look, but it is only a moment again the dialog continues., open spaces in the fabric hazy shape and color. I invite you to look into them, and travel. Cristina Coll